(Leeman Road Pedestrain Tunnel, York)
On my way to the Railway museum late last year, I walked through the Leeman Road pedestrian tunnel, under the railway lines above. I’ve only walked through the tunnel this one time, and I was anxious to get to the end! It just felt really eerie. I felt the need to continually look over my shoulder and indeed I did; something felt uncomfortable. Despite my paranoia there was not a soul in the tunnel with me. Or was there?
I had forgotten about my tunnel experience, and how much I wanted to get out of it, when the other day at work the TA’s were passing around a mobile phone with a video clip of two girls who recorded themselves walking home from town drunk one night late last year. About 40 seconds into this clip lasting just over a minute there is an unusual, and most certainly out of place shadow. Some reckoned it resembled a skeleton. I saw the clip over the shoulder of a co-worker. Whatever it was, it looked out of place. The girls in the clip didn’t notice anything until they saw the clip the next morning.