Yesterday we went to my favourite place for a walk.
It doesn’t matter what time of year it is Apps Mill is always gorgeous.
I have really fond memories of going there as a child.
We used to go several times a year when I was in elementary school on class trips.
For reasons unknown to me, everyone would moan and complain about going but I always looked forward to it.
I haven’t been to Apps Mill in over 7 years. Every time my family and I would come over, no matter what the time of year, an excuse as to why we shouldn’t go to Apps Mill always developed but this time they caved!
This is my favourite place in conservation area. Because of all the trees it’s really dark and quiet in here. All you can hear is the sound of the creek babbling passed.
Despite waking up at 4 in the morning yesterday I was bursting with energy and tried to persuade my little (?) brother to skip with me.
He wasn’t having any of it but decided throwing snow at me was a better way to pass the time.
My favourite visit to Apps Mill was in grade 4, in the spring. We were allowed to go into White Man’s Creek with nets and fish out anything we could. The water was freezing and it filled our boots but when your 10 years old you don’t really care. On the other side of the Creek the current was really strong and it was very hard to stand up in let alone walk in. I don’t know about Canada but in England teachers are very reluctant to take pupils on class trips for safety reasons and the fear that teachers will be blamed for not accounting for all the dangers. Even though it was a wonder that no one was swept away, my teacher didn’t seem bothered!
We decided to sit and admire the view over White Mans Creek from a conveniently placed bench.
I positioned myself on my brother’s lap to defrost my bum.
From where Mom and I were sitting we had a good view of Frank and Jesse.
Yesterday’s visit was good fun, with all the old memories that the place holds for my dad (who used to go to day camp there as a kid -they stopped the day camp in 1971) and I, and with all the snow it felt like Christmas (finally!).
I wonder if issues relating to political correctness have been powerful enough to have the name of the creek changed?