I'M HERE!!!!

I was really lucky on Friday. My flight went smoothly and I made it back in Brantford on time if not ahead of schedule. Travelling is mainly about 1 thing and 1 thing only.. waiting.... To leave Ealing, to get on at the right underground train, to get to Hatton Cross, to get a bus to Heathrow Airport, to find out where to check in, to check in, to get through the metal detectors, to get on the plane, for the plane to take off, for the plane to land, for the plane to empty, to get through customs, to get my luggage, to get my ground transportation and to get back to Brantford.

But I made it here and it was all worth it. I hadn't seen my parents house but unlike the taxi driver I knew exactly where it was.

All going well this will be a fantastic Christmas.

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