Grades are in! On Tuesday the Sociology results were posted on the third year board in the department. Christina came with me and later Lynsey turned up too. Matt turned up last minute. More sociologists arrived and lecturers who knew the results were hovering about, but unable to say anything. The tension was growing. Betty, our secretary sat in her office typing up our fate. The word was out. Only 10 minutes to go!

The door to the office opens. Betty strides to the board and pins the sheets up. I stand up. I didn't think pinning four pieces of paper to a cork board has ever taken so long. Christina and Lynsey tell me to get in there. My heart was beating through my chest. First there, I dragged my right index finger down the list and to find my name. Name found, my finger slides right to find my degree classification. And then again to check it was in fact my grade!

It was a first. I tiptoed out of the way and sat back in my spot between Lynsey and Christina. I said it in a manner I can't remember but I know how it felt. Amazing. Moments later Frances invited me to her office to get my breakdown. It was amazing. Never heard of a 95% for a sociology essay. Shocked!! My average was 74.3% and therefore well into the first class category.

I couldn't believe it. I was the dim girl at elementary school; the girl who beyond not liking to read, couldn't read. For my North American readers a first is probably similar to receiving honours with your degree. A first is the best degree classification you can get. In Sociology 5 of 60 or so students got firsts. The news gets even better. Four of my close mates have also got firsts! I think we all thought the clever people were out there, but didn't think that we might be them.
Last night was the Grad Ball and a great opportunity to celebrate. The pictures speak for themselves.
u r a tard
Thanks to the fellow with the clever name. Do you feel better for your witty comment?
thank you I know it is, isn't it???
Fantastic name... clearly a very clever chap. Keep the comments flowing
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