(You know how in films with old trains the passengers reach their arms out the window to open the door from a handle on the outside? many of GNER's trains are still like that. Fantastic!)
What happen to the good old days when Canadians were quiet modest being who did not rub it in other peoples faces how good they may think it is to be Canadian!?!?! Recently I have spoken to too many Canadians who rave about how great our nation is. Some even go as far to tell me that soon I won't consider England my home... after all Canada is far better!!(?) People shout at me..
"Welcome back to the best Country in the world!"
Coincidentally, with an increase in Canadian editions of popular American TV shows like Deal or No Deal and Entertainment Tonight we appear to be shedding a stereotype for which the rest of the world once loved us (maybe even adopting another nations stereotype?). Just remember our reputation as a nation is on the line and so to Canadians everywhere I recommend sucking up our pride and avoid others' prejudice.
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